under resistance.

Personal trainer & remote coach. Get Started

Hi, I’m Helene.

I believe that resistance training is the most holistically potent pro-longevity and quality-of-life medicine.

The ultimate achievement of my practice is to help guide you towards achieving long-term, sustainable health, physique, performance, and lifelong movement habits and wellness practices that enhance your experience of holistic healthful alignment, and therefore also your quality of life.

I absorb your health and fitness vision, and create the pathway towards achieving it. I become your second set of eyes holding you accountable to demanding greatness, breaking through mental and physical plateaus through the process towards a state of feeling, moving, looking, and performing strongly, powerfully, and beautifully.

Get Started


  • 1-on-1 in-person personal-training in YYJ facilitated out of Forge Training @ 989 Johnson St, Victoria, BC V8V 3N7.

    Initial consultation + individualized resistance training sessions catered towards your unique needs and vision + in-person presence, commitment, guidance, and accountability.

    $100/hour + GST

    Let’s Go

  • Tailored Resistance Training and Nutrition Coaching - Your Path to Revitalization + scheduled weekly coaching call check-ins + use of TrueCoach App for training programming delivery + unlimited communications via email.

    3-month commitment, $600 monthly.

    Let’s Go

  • Nutrition x Deep Health Edge - Addressing nutrition while elevating all of you: Tailored nutrition coaching + scheduled weekly coaching call check-ins + unlimited communications via email.

    Providing the building blocks to feel your best, recover effectively, improve overall health, and most efficiently and effectively positively impact your body composition.

    3-month commitment, $400/month.

    Let’s Go



I am here to remind you of your desire to evolve and reach higher, expanding your personal evolution.

To understand where you’re coming from, where you’re at, and where you’re ready to be going.

To guide you to revitalizing your lifestyle, providing structure in the development process of implementing action items towards your health and fitness results.

To hold you to the highest standard of yourself, seeing no limitation to what’s possible for you.

To hold you accountable to pushing your personal edges, encouraging you to lean into fleeting discomfort for long-term pride and satisfaction in your strength and physique, the body and life of your dreams.

How you move and fuel your body is how you move and fuel your life.

Tell me where you’re headed.

Let’s go.

From the Feed

Movement Library

Explore a collection of movements. Let’s go!